Ajvar and everything else

The views and opinions on this blog are my own- and do not reflect the views and opinions of the Peace Corps or the United States Government.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Revisiting Veles

Last week Shaun moved to Veles. This is a city in the middle of Macedonia where I lived for my first three months for training. Veles has a special place in my heart as it was my first Macedonian experience. Shaun will be there for three months as a trainer for the new group of volunteers that came Monday.

Anyhow- I went to visit him over the weekend. We hiked (and it is a bit of a hike) up to a church that was built way up above the town on the hill side. The area is so steep that the graves are set like terraced steps into the mountain.

Enjoy the pictures! (there are also some pictures from Ohrid...)

A lovely little green door in the old part of Veles

A fine example of a typical Macedonian grave. Notice the bottles of alcohol that have been left and the small shrine made from an old olive tin.

Shaun sitting outside the door to the grave yard

Me looking at the fish in the little pool.

A covered spring at the church

The old fountain at the church on the mountain in Veles

The new fountain at the church on the mountain in Veles

Bilijana at the Bilijana Springs in Ohrid.

Come to Macedonia and take a tour of the lake on one of these safe, modern boats! (oh- I am just kidding)

The Macedonian Navy fleet. Should we be more surprised that a landlocked country has a navy, or that a navy only has two ships?

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

nice glasses!

one year, fun with language, and new glasses

So yesterday was one year away from home! Wow! I can't believe how fast the time has gone. Randomly, yesterday I had quite a few Macedonians (well 3) ask me how long I have been here. And I got to say one year that day.

I know as a language learner I should be more sensitive to people who try to speak english with me. Sometimes I think back on what I have actually said to someone and get really embarrassed. i.e. - I found a cello to play at the music school and the next day at work someone asked me, in Macedonian "How was it playing the cello again?" and I said in Macedonian "I am really good!" When I meant to say, "It was really nice!"

Anyway, yesterday a co-worker and I where brain-storming possible revenue sources for the national park. In english she said, "...maybe we could have a better relationship with the tourist agency that takes people on monkey excursions into the park..." She meant donkey, but I didn't dare correct her for I was sure I would start giggling. The rest of the meeting I had a visual image of Macedonians riding monkeys through the hills of the national park. Maybe like the ones from the Wizard of Oz.

Finally, I got new glasses. They are really cheap here and have been wanting a new pair for a while. They were done in less then a day, and I am happy with them. (See picture above of me with new glasses)

Friday, September 02, 2005

My inconsiderate neighbors

There was a storm yesterday afternoon and the power was out the rest of the day till early this morning. This didn’t really change things for me too much. Instead of reading by lamplight, I read by candle light. However, I had planned on makeing ‘duck’ sauce and salsa from the copious amount of produce my downstairs neighbors had given me. Instead, I did a mini photo shoot, documenting evidence of my neighbor’s un-neighborliness. (Not the folks who gave me the produce, but the people right next door who I share wall with)

This doesn't have to do anything with my neighbors. It is just a really pretty pepper.

This cord (for cable I think) was hanging on to my terrace when I came. I wound it up and set it on the ledge. They keep pushing it off on to my side.

They keep their trash outside in the hall between my door and theirs. This trash has been here nearly a week and smells like tuna and rotting tomatoes.

Their son's wedding was two months ago- but the decroations are still up, at least mostly.

Fitness in Macedonia

Also I took a couple of pictures of my ghetto exercise equipment, which I am really proud of over all. You might be thinking that it is a photo of a bath mat, piece of rope, old panty hose, and empty beer bottles (that’s right - beer out of plastic 2 litters!) However- what you are actually looking at is a yoga/exercise mat, a jump rope (with duct tape handles), a resistance band, and 2 free weights…

Total cost: including the full price of the beer, which was drunk and enjoyed - around 470 denars, or just over $9.00. Not too bad!

My exercise equipment

My exercise equipment - up close and personal